About Us

You’re probably wondering how a software engineer and an anthropologist wound up together. Tom quite literally builds the world in 1s and 0s; Steph almost exclusively inhabits its gray. Tom is fastidious about his coffee; Steph can’t be bothered to weigh the grounds. Tom likes sharp lines, clean corners, and minimal clutter; Steph turns generously towards eclecticism and struggles to put things away. So how, dear reader, did you end up here?
It all started with the desk. Well, actually the 4Runner, then the desk. (But we promise, the desk is also important.) Somehow, Tom and Steph found themselves as newly minted college graduates driving Tom’s beloved 4Runner across the country. They spent four weeks together traveling across the country—from the mountains of Virginia to the bullfrogs of Indiana to the Chipotles of Kansas to the Maroon Bells of Colorado to the arches of Utah, all the way up through Montana glaciers, across Canadian lakes to Seattle cappuccinos until finally reaching the hardwired heart of the Silicon Valley. (I guess you could say it was a *hard drive*.)
Once they arrived, they took a trip to Ikea, where Tom hoped to recreate 500 Days of Summer, which Steph had not seen, and Steph got immediately overwhelmed by the sheer number of sofa options. So they left, empty-handed… but wait, do you, dear reader, also detect full-hearts?
Indeed, Tom dropped Steph off at the airport, homesick and a little smitten, and Steph was about to board her plane back to Pennsylvania when suddenly she wheeled around at the gate, ran through the airport, flew down the escalators, jumped the security ropes, skidded on the shined linoleum before colliding with none other than Tom, teary-eyed and open-armed. They professed their mutual love for one another and the rest is history.
Except here’s where the desk comes in because Steph did not actually run back to Tom’s ready embrace. She did in fact board the plane, and Tom did in fact stay out in California for four years. They kept in touch as travel buddies mostly, meeting up in Seattle, Tahoe, and Asheville to hike. When Steph moved to Chicago for grad school, Tom flew out each year to visit and go to dinner (subtle, Tom, subtle).
In 2020, they found themselves back on the same coast, and Steph asked Tom to build her a standing desk if he had the time. Tom did not in fact have the time, working remotely and juggling his numerous hobbies, but he readily agreed. They started texting about the desk—its design, dimensions, materials, etc.—and gradually the topic of dinner came up. By the fourth dinner, they were unequivocally in love. By their fourth month, they knew they would marry the other. And by their twenty-fourth month, here they are, about to walk down the aisle.
Steph still gets overwhelmed by the world’s sheer number of furniture choices, and Tom still hopes to recreate romantic moments at every opportunity (he also convinced Steph to finally watch 500 Days of Summer). It’s true, they don’t agree on everything. But they absolutely agree on two things: Alli is the best pup, and their love was always already here.
We are so excited to celebrate it with you all!